Dialogues: SP<>EN Pediatric Specialty Pack Download

SP<>EN Pediatric Dialogues Thumbnail.png
SP<>EN Pediatric Dialogues Thumbnail.png

Dialogues: SP<>EN Pediatric Specialty Pack Download

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Spanish <> English Pediatric Dialogues Specialty Pack Includes: 

4 real-world, comprehensive pediatric role-play scenarios including roles for patient, receptionist, nurse, physician and interpreter in both written and audio formats.  

Each of the four scenarios includes a written and audio dialogue for Interpreter Practice, which excludes the interpreter lines. This is the ideal resource to practice interpreting individually or as a group without the pressure of standing face-to-face with a patient and medical provider. 

Each of the four scenarios also includes a written and audio dialogue with an Interpreter Key. These tools are ideal for checking your interpreted message against that of a seasoned interpreter, and make a great resource for honing vocabulary and working on communication transparency and thoroughness. 

Finally, the Pediatric Specialty Pack comes with a User Guide to help you make the most of this training resource, including answers to frequently asked questions and some tips and strategies to mix up the ways you use these resources and then convert what you've learned into live encounters. 

A total of 17 PDF and MP3 files are contained in this resource delivered to you immediately upon check out. 

Still curious? Here are some samples! 

Interpreter Practice Sample

Interpreter Key Sample